>Home >Archive >Priorities of Faith ARCHIVE >June 24, 2017: Introduction of Pastor Andrew Nugent

Priorities of Faith ARCHIVE

June 24, 2017: Introduction of Pastor Andrew Nugent

The Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists & Joseph Salajan welcome Pastor Andrew Nugent to Plantation SDA Church on June 24, 2017

For more information on Plantation SDA Church, please visit us at http://www.plantationsda.tv.

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  • Alex Graham

    Alex Graham is an elder of the Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church. Alex sees everyone he meets as someone who was created to live eternally with Jesus Christ - to live in fullness of joy, to enjoy pleasures forevermore. His great desire is that we seize this moment and use it to prepare now to meet our God

  • Andrew-Craig Nugent

    Pastor Andrew-Craig Nugent is currently serving as the Associate Youth and Young-Adult Director of the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. For the previous 11 years he served in several local churches as associate pastor, district pastor, and Youth and Young Adult Pastor. He is married to the former Melissa Johnson, who owns and operates a mental health therapy private practice. Both Pastor and Sis. Nugent are graduates of Andrews University. They have two growing young boys – Nathaniel and Joshua who are currently in grade school. Pastor Nugent’s favorite bible text is Proverbs 16:9 – “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”

  • Dion Walden

    Dion Walden is a passionate woman of God who serves as an elder at the Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church in Plantation, FL. Elder Walden is a dynamic speaker and prolific writer who is passionately committed to the expository teaching and preaching of the word of God. Her purpose statement is to be a “Kingdom Woman Difference Maker.” Her desire is to see people radically experience the power of God’s word and be transformed by the Holy Spirit.

    Dion is a dedicated family woman, married to Joseph Walden, they have one son. She loves to explore new learnings, people watch, and take nature walks. She currently works in the pharmaceutical industry as a Senior Marketing Manager and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Nova Southeastern University.

  • Jack Rieder

    Born in St. Marys, PA lived and worked there for 30 years and moved to Fla.
    in 1969. Married Joanna in 1971, was baptized November 1972, became Head Elder in 1977 been serving the Lord and the Plantation Church since then.

  • James Malone

    James Malone was born and raised on the beautiful island of Antigua. James grew up in the Church and was involved in ministry from an early age. He has been a part of Church leadership in various Churches over the past 27 years. He has served in several roles including Elder, Youth Leader, Sabbath School Teacher, Treasurer and Finance ministry leader. As a product of Christian Education, James is passionate work to preserve, improve and grow Church schools. He currently serves as a Board member of the local Church school, Sawgrass Adventist School and the Board of Education at the Florida Conference of SDA Churches.
    James attended Northern Caribbean University in Jamaica and received a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration in 1996 from Northeastern University in Boston. James began his professional career as a Certified Public Accountant and currently works as financial professional in the investment management industry.
    James is married to his beautiful wife LaToya and together they are raising three wonderful children. James loves to serve to see people grow in Jesus, connect with each other and become vibrant disciples of Jesus.

  • Joseph Salajan

    Pastor Joe was born in the little town of Crasna (Romania). Ever since he was a child, he has been fascinated by the unique connection between pastors and their special book, the Bible. When at the age of 7 he received his first little Bible from a brave pastor who was able to procure it for him in spite of the interdictions of the communist regime, he felt special and decided one day he would become a pastor.

    After serving as a Pastor for 8 years in Romania, in 2013 he immigrated to the USA. He currently serves as Lead Pastor of Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church. Along with his wonderful wife Anda and their gorgeous daughter Alessandra, he enjoys proclaiming God’s grace and ministering to his fellows.

    By God's grace, in February 2020 he completed my doctoral program obtaining a Doctor of Ministry degree in Preaching/Homiletics from Andrews University. His hobbies are languages, music, and poetry.