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Priorities of Faith ARCHIVE

Ministry in Action: The Laws of Health Empowerment Summit

by Addy Lubin, Bertha Osorio-Campbell | July 20, 2019

Addy Lubin and Bertha Osorio-Campbell shared with us exciting news about the upcoming The Laws of Health Summit on July 28, 2019 from 1PM to 6PM EST. The summit will offer:

  1. Screenings
  2. Fun for the kids
  3. Smoothies
  4. Whole food, plant-based healthy food
  5. School supplies

For more information on Plantation SDA Church, please visit us at http://www.plantationsda.tv.

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  • Addy Lubin

    Adeline "Addy" Lubin was born and raised in Miami, FL to Haitian immigrants. She is the first generation in her family to attend college. By trade, she is a Marketing and Communications Executive, with a specialization in Branding. She worked in Corporate America for over 15 years and in 2020 she launched a marketing consultation company, Add Me Marketing, where she is president and CEO.

    She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ at age 13. In high school, along with being active and leader in her church Youth Ministry, she was also president of the Bible Club, where they would study the word of God together and stand in front of the school building, around the flag pole praying for the school once a week. She loves to worship the Lord in song and has served in many choirs and praise teams throughout her life.

    After many years of walking with Christ, in 2011, accepted the Sabbath Truth and joined the Seventh-day Adventist church being baptized at Miami Bethany Seventh-day Adventist church in Miami, Florida. In 2016, she joined Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church where she has served as a Praise Singer and the Director of Worship Coordination and has also played an active role in Communications Ministry, Family Life Ministries, Community Outreach (Food Drive), & Women's Ministry. She also is the Executive Producer of our live stream programming.

    Most recently, she has been called to serve as the Youth Director, where she desires to be used by God in the development of the Youth of Plantation SDA church spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She has a 14-year-old daughter, Amena, and a 2-year-old cat Luna. She loves to travel (she has been to 11 states within the US and 12 countries) and one of her favorite places for recreation is the beach.

    One of her favorite scriptures is Matthew 6:33
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  • Bertha Osorio-Campbell