Apocalypse ARCHIVE
Tyler Palmer
Love One Another
by Tyler Palmer | October 5, 2019Subscribe for more Videos: http://www.youtube.com/c/PlantationSDAChurchTV Theme: God's Amazing Grace! Title: Love One Another Speaker: Tyler Palmer Key text: https://www.bible.com/bible/59/JHN.13.34-35.esv Title: God's Great Big Family Notes: https://www.bible.com/events/701636 Date: October 5, 2019 Tags: #psdatv #grace #amazing #God #love #loving #free #freedom #change #grow #promise #fellowship #heaven #GodsAmazingGrace #UnconditionalLove #GodsLoveIsBeyoundMeasure For more information on Plantation SDA Church, please visit us at http://www.plantationsda.tv. Church Copyright License (CCLI) License Number: 1659090 CCLI Stream License License Number: CSPL079645
God's Amazing Grace
by Anisa Seymour, Lorenzo Hernandez, Tyler Palmer | October 5, 2019Subscribe for more Videos: http://www.youtube.com/c/PlantationSDAChurchTV Sermons from Children's Ministry Day Theme: God's Amazing Grace! Title: God's Loving Gift of Grace Speaker: Anisa Seymour Key text: https://www.bible.com/bible/59/JHN.3.16.esv Title: Love One Another Speaker: Tyler Palmer Key text: https://www.bible.com/bible/59/JHN.13.34-35.esv Title: God's Great Big Family Speaker: Lorenzo Hernandez Key text: https://www.bible.com/bible/59/ACT.2.42-47.esv Notes: https://www.bible.com/events/701636 Date: October 5, 2019 Tags: #psdatv #grace #amazing #God #love #loving #free #freedom #change #grow #promise #fellowship #heaven #GodsAmazingGrace #UnconditionalLove #GodsLoveIsBeyoundMeasure For more information on Plantation SDA Church, please visit us at http://www.plantationsda.tv. Church Copyright License (CCLI) License Number: 1659090 CCLI Stream License License Number: CSPL079645
Breaking News: Jesus Has Returned?
by Madison Palmer, Nick Palmer, Tyler Palmer | March 6, 2021Theme: Join the Plantation News Network, Madison Palmer & BibleMon as they investigate reports of Jesus return. Tags: #psdatv #Jesus #SecondComing #appearing #lightning #east #west For more information on Plantation SDA Church, please visit us at http://www.plantationsda.tv. Church Copyright License (CCLI) License Number: 1659090 CCLI Stream License License Number: CSPL079645